Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Art of Conversation

I havent had much time on my hands lately, or actually ( I should just be honest with myself and everyone) nothing has inspired me and I have been ill for a few days. I feel better and I had jotted down a few notes the other night as I observed a room of people and their interactions. Several times a week I attend business meetings and part of the business is to talk to people and promote our services, I found it pretty ironic that most of the people I was studying were diligently typing away on their phones, instead of actually using the phone as well, a PHONE.

I thoroughly enjoy watching people, talking to them and just striking up a conversation and it seems that each day we lose this art more and more. I guess we have become lazy or maybe it is just easier to send a quick text instead of calling and saying "hi" and actually listening to the intonations of the other person's voice or picking up on how they feel. I know that when I call my mom and I am blessed to still have her alive, (so I try my best to call her everyday) She knows just how I am feeling by the tone of my voice, funny as I do the same thing to my own daughter.

I miss the connections we make during a conversation, and don't even get me started on eye to eye contact, whatever happened to that? Imagine going on a seemingly romantic first date and your handsome beau is texting away and not even looking into your eyes. Nope, I don't want any of that, give me a good old fashioned eyes to eyes conversation.  We are all guilty, small kids are plopped in front of the boob tube for entertainment, we purchase cars with DVD players so that our family trip is quiet and our phones are now the access to the world.

I vote we bring about coffee houses without any internet connections and force ourselves to actually have long, funny, silly, emotional, deep conversations with each other, while looking at our eyes and sipping a nice drink. Hey, maybe I have the next million dollar idea, just a thought. Hope you enjoyed this blog, I guess I am just being silly.

In the meantime, lets just share the LKB= Love+Kisses+ Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Hola Anni!
    I am definitely down with that! Coffee houses with no internet and great conversations with friends!
