Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Beginning

Hello everyone, it feels like I have not written on my blog for over a year, but in actuality it has just been a few days. The past two weeks have been a little crazy for me, as I am sure they have been for everyone with the holidays and all of the craziness of the season. I am so happy and blessed to say that this Christmas was one of the very, very best in my life. My beautiful daughter surprised me by coming home for Christmas and I was able to spend some great times with her and her brother and the rest of my family and loved ones. I did not have expensive gifts under the tree and this year I did not go crazy spending money that I did not have on things that were not needed. That is not what Christmas is about.

As I reflect today on what "New Year" means to me, it is quite simple a new beginning, so this year instead of beating myself over for not achieving my long list of resolutions I am choosing to look at each day as a new beginning, I know that I will fail and have to start over, but isn't it great that we get the chance to do so? I do have a long list, a list that encompasses living a more healthy life, taking better care of myself, achieving personal, professional and fun goals. I hope you all have a wonderful year, let's remember to not beat ourselves up  too badly when we do fail, to praise ourselves when we reach our goals and never stop dreaming and believing.
LKB = Love +Kisses + Blessings

1 comment:

  1. Hola Anni!
    Very well spoken...here's to new beginnings! Happy New Year!

    ~SimplyyMayra ;)
