Friday, January 4, 2013

A week gone by......

Hey everybody, I hope you all had a great beginning to this New Year! I cant believe it is already Friday and the ending of the first week of 2013. Wow, time really does fly doesn't it? and many times (I know I am guilty of this) we dont realize how important it is to spend time with the people we love the most. Our family and friends. I am going to make it a point to share the best possible moments more frequently this year. They dont have to be expensive dates or over the top, just hanging out at home can be the best of times. I spent New Year's Day at my parents home, with my son, sister and niece and nephew. The only one missing was my daughter and husband but, we laughed, we cried (because we laughed so hard) we laughed some more, there were moments of yelling at the kids to behave, moments of food, food and more food and just hanging about. It was amazing! I sat and watched "The Wizard of Oz" with my nephew and the whole time I kept thinking, this is AWESOME he is going to remember this someday.

My hope this year for all of you is that you can share special moments with your loved ones, after all these are the moments that we take with us and nobody can take that away. Dont let the bad moments over come the good ones, in the end I believe they all balance out. There can be no good without bad, so choose to live and remember the good ones and the bad ones can be thrown out the window.

Keep sharing LKB = Love+ Kisses+ Blessings. <3

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