Sunday, October 12, 2014

Five Hundred and Ninety Three Days!!!

Time Flies 
It has been 593 days since I last wrote anything on this blog, and it is not that I have stopped thinking. Maybe it's because I have been thinking TOO MUCH and one day flows into the next and so on and so forth.
So today I will take a few minutes and hope that what I want to express comes out the way it sounds in my head.
First, I have learned to let go of the things I cannot and will never be able to change, not just in other people but in myself. I have come to accept that not everyone will love me or even like me, but I like me and that is important, because it all starts with what I see when I look in the mirror.
For many, many years I looked in the mirror and saw, well basically nothing. Not a smart child, nor a beautiful woman, not a smart one, not an assertive one and last but not least one that deserved better things in life and so I settled for the little that I accepted.
I am proud and humbled to say that I no longer see myself that way or that invisible woman in the mirror. There are some days that I glance and not see much, but I do  see wrinkles, (that I try to avoid concentrating on) I see gray hairs, that I am constantly battling, I see flaws, tears that have been shed, laughter that has been shared and eyes that look back at me with much more wisdom and gratefulness. It is this grateful spirit that has allowed me to accept the changes of time, and understand that each day that I am given is an amazing blessing and one more opportunity to make a difference not just in myself but if I am lucky, everyone that comes into my path. Yes, time will fly and I can finally accept that I cannot alter the days that have passed, but I can remember the good ones, put away and forgive the "not so good ones" and look forward to the ones that are coming at a fast pace.

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